Tuesday, February 8, 2011



In case you don't know what the title means - its the end of the world as we know it



The other day i received an email from my not-so-much-younger cousin - it was barely legible with acronyms i could barely understand!

ROTFLMAO... Is one of these ridiculous phrases which encapsulates the jumble of words reminiscent of a dyslexic player's puzzled view of a scrabble tray...



My heart goes out to the poor teachers whose students have been infected by the recent cellphone boom where the most infectious diseases such as MxIt,(apparently I'm too old for this...) SMS (it could be a disease... Short Message Syndrome...) and now the older of the crew BBM or What's App vibe have manifested themselves much like the way the disease was spread by the cute little monkey from the movie "Outbreak"...

Imagine marking the essays of Primary School children - words like, nite, luv, wat, LOL (yugggh)Needless to say the essays must be littered with sp. and red pen...

Tough times - at least emoticons have taken the fall for us on BBM and What's App which allows us to take each other a little bit more seriously but we're all 'emoticoning' (stupid word...) in denial.

Perhaps it's the English language evolving... Words like 'bootilicious' and 'stoep' are now in the dictionary or at least wikileaks which i guess makes them ratified somewhat by ye olde Oxford English Dictionary...

Where will it stop? (WWIS)

Maybe we'll move to a Morse Code style language...

That would be quite fun... (TWBQF)

Wouldn't it...?