Monday, March 28, 2011

Jozi Jol at The Jol

It was like every other Saturday - well not really with a 50 litre keg in the boot and the rattling bottles of cane, vodka, champagne and tequila as they crashed as I hit the speed bumps unexpectedly expectedly hard causing a see saw motion and the wine from the night before to remind me of the good laughs...

Like always thriving under the pressure and fear of a flopped party a week's worth of work was completed in miraculous time and with one minute to spare the sweet taste of ice cold draught beer was flowing and getting cheers'd in vintage fashion with all too much foam as we tried our best to pour the beers non-chalantly as if to show the imaginary barman we mean business (but couldn't)...

With the nervous tension rising as the clock ticked past 3pm with no one in attendance we hoped we werent part of an elaborate ploy to embarrass us - something we would find funny on the other side of the fence - indeed the funnier side for a grand prank of this nature...

People started to arrive - phew - and the stage was set after painted hands adorned the canvas we created especially to celebrate the jol in years to come. Pressed hands and other appendages during the course of the evening made for some interesting viewing and prints...

After a glorius boerie roll that was the saviour of many - beer, punch, champagne, beer, wine and shooters did flow - in copius amounts rendering the gathered crowd relaxed and then somewhat deranged.

To round up the deranged highlights (for no reason whatsoever):

> 10 second upside down dunks in the ice baths

> Walking upside down on the ceiling to Lionel Richie's classic

> Zipping individuals in our couch pillow cases

> Using the pillow stuffing to manufacture a Santa like beard

> Vintage pushing in the pool - no party would be complete without it

> Strip Jenga for the more risqué of the bunch

> Rocking out to an iPod on an ill equipped sound system to handle Jozi's newest dfloor

It appeared that this is what the JHB crowd had been craving - a good old fashioned shindig in the comfort of a home - away from overpriced cocktails, emotional blackmail from car guards, entrance fees to clubs, the drive and the taxi back in the morning to your car (poorly re-parked after realizing you were in no state to drive but too lazy to correct...) and the dispersed nature of the various friendship groups that makes JHB the melting pot of fun that it is.

The jol encapsulated and geared only towards having fun was a great success and arguably enjoyed by all with only a few left holding drinks without a hand of the opposite sex in the other.

Fun fun fun...

Fun at what price you ask...?

The minimal cost of a carpet clean and plenty of broken glass (but no glasses missing - still a mystery)

Wow... This feels like years ago now...

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